TENTH week of our Weekly Training Schedule!
Completing our 10 Week Training Program!
FULCRUM - Fulcrum; a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity. This core practice offers a layered approach, so that you can add-on intensity where desired, or dial it down where appropriate. 20min HOLIDAY
STANDING IGNITION - Rhythmical, fluid movement, that feels good! This short Garuda method standing practice will help you find your feet and wake up the legs. From the power and strength of the legs, we will find the movement and freedom in our upper body and spine. 27min HOLIDAY
SEATED SLING The first half of this practice is done with two yoga blocks. Being lower to the ground, is theoretically going to provide more spring tension (support & spinal mobility) & more opportunities with the hips. You can substitute with a Swiss ball / stool / chair - exploring the movements there, thus offering a different experience.
In the second half of the practice we explore the transitions of half-camel pose & rolling camel, with a yield and rebound quality. The sling allows support to potentially explore otherwise challenging yoga positions and helps us to potentially explore more range of movement; which feels wonderful for your spine, shoulder & hip mobility!
Recommended; Elements Wide Sling (Narrow). 23min NEW
KB MOBILITY - Multi-planar kettlebell training. Following the principles of loading range of movement, to increase flexibility and strength potential. Here we use a heavy kettlebell to explore our spinal & hip mobility, exploring how we can go further with this heavy weight, then using that large resistance (and therefore encouraging strength, proprioception & control) on the return. A particular focus on mindful, thoracic & hip rotations with a heavy weight. A great class if you are desire a resistance workout, but you also want to focus on spine mobility. 18min KETTLEBELL
GARUDA MATWORK - This 30min Pilates-based Garuda Method practice explores some of the fundamental mat sequences. Bridging, abdominal curl, roll up & prone spine extension. A wonderful practice to invite slow, controlled precise movement. 30min HOLIDAY
ALL ABOUT THE FEET - Here we begin by massaging the feet into the floor, exploring the potential to stand on the sides of the feet and kneading out the rigidity; we want our feet to be mobile and therefore reactive and resilient. Traditional ballet exercises help to strengthen the foot and lower limb. This prepares the tissue and joints for jumping. Using the floor and barre to propel off, we finish with a jumping sequence that adds a power elements to our practice. To be repeated as many times as possible, to challenge the breath and cardiovascular system. Great for pelvic floor awareness. 19min [BARRE][5]
HIP TRACTION - Here the sling is used around the back of the knee, providing excellent traction, proprioception & challenge for the supporting leg. Encouraging us to work much more effectively around the joints. A great way to move through familiar yoga asanas, with more feedback. 35min SLING
KB 25 - A 25-minute session that's both short and incredibly effective. In this class, we delve into a single-arm pyramid set building up to a series of 8 exercises with a kettlebell. Each movement is designed to engage your core, enhance your balance, and build strength in a compact time frame. We finish with an excellent loaded flexibility stretch. Ideal for those busy days when time is scarce, but you still crave a powerful workout. Ready to challenge yourself with a kettlebell in hand? Join this class and experience a burst of strength and vitality in just 25 minutes! 25min KETTLEBELL
KB 40 - Combining resistance training with joint mobility training. Feel how the kettlebells help you gain strength, exponentially - whilst providing stability and overall flexibility. 36min KETTLEBELL
SEATED SLING The first half of this practice is done with two yoga blocks. Being lower to the ground, is theoretically going to provide more spring tension (support & spinal mobility) & more opportunities with the hips. You can substitute with a Swiss ball / stool / chair - exploring the movements there, thus offering a different experience.
In the second half of the practice we explore the transitions of half-camel pose & rolling camel, with a yield and rebound quality. The sling allows support to potentially explore otherwise challenging yoga positions and helps us to potentially explore more range of movement; which feels wonderful for your spine, shoulder & hip mobility!
Recommended; Elements Wide Sling (Narrow). 23min NEW
STANDING STRAPS - The springs offer a pseudo-closed chain, meaning you have resistance & feedback, but your balance will be challenged. An advanced version of sequences you have explored in the ‘barre’ and ‘holiday’ galleries. 29min SPRINGS
INNER THIGH REMEDY This practice is adapted from the reformer/garuda apparatus, offering a great challenge without the assistance of the springs to return. A useful practice for those working on dynamic hip mobility / strength, through a large range of movement. 17min SLIDER
RELEASING THE DIAPHRAGM - Using the sling directly at times to massage the diaphragm and ribcage as we move. The sling facilitates movement that develops a capacious & mobile thorax. 33min SLING
RESILIENT FEET - Our feet carry us through life, yet we don’t pay them enough attention. Often said, but how do we integrate more foot, ankle mobility into our practice? Using the blocks we can increase our ROM and offer a way to massage the tissue under the foot. We explore pronation, supination & circular motions. A rigid foot is not necessarily a strong foot. We aim to create more agile, responsive & resilient feet. This practice can be done at the barre or slightly modified with your hands balanced on the wall or table top. 22min BLOCK
NECK RELEASE - This neck release is inspired by Alexander Technique. A soothing meditation to gently release the neck & let go of tension in the upper body. Using the soft ball to gently elongate, retract & mobilise the cervical spine. Near the end, there is a particular focus on using the eyes, to achieve more mobility & release around the occipital junction. 13min BALL
Would you like some personal recommendations? Enter below in the comments, or send me an email here - thank you for joining me in movement!
The first half of this practice is done with two yoga blocks. Being lower to the ground, is theoretically going to provide more spring tension (support & spinal mobility) & more opportunities with the hips. You can substitute with a Swiss ball / stool / chair - exploring the movements there, thus offering a different experience.
In the second half of the practice we explore the transitions of half-camel pose & rolling camel, with a yield and rebound quality. The sling allows support to potentially explore otherwise challenging yoga positions and helps us to potentially explore more range of movement; which feels wonderful for your spine, shoulder & hip mobility!
Recommended sling; Elements Wide Sling (narrow)
Enjoy the ease and practicality of having a program designed for you? Anytime you would like to have structured, directed training, please refer to these blog posts. Either start with Week One, or choose at random. Every week is completely different and curated so that it provides a comprehensive, varied workout. Offering considerations such as;
Load - balanced load & important input for the whole body.
Equipment & prop variability - different challenges for the body & mind, staying cognitively alert & nurturing motivation.
Attention to the details that matter - the practice becomes more enriching the more you practice.
Whilst your online training is convenient, it’s definitely not simplistic. It comes from a place of studying many movement techniques and applying different principles. It’s designed to promote an enquiring exploratory movement practice, with many layers and with your intellectual input and sensibility.
It is a commitment in being present, being inquisitive & encouraging intuition. Yes, this requires more energy & dedication, but this is where you will find the good stuff and which truly nurtures an ongoing, rewarding movement practice, that delivers on results.