PULSATE; Aside from how a sequence is structured, we can also consider the quality in how we move. A fluidity, a pulsation; a rhythmical coordination of the joints. Exploring the opposing qualities of movement; soften & yield vs. power & push. A constant inner dialogue, forming this intuitive, rhythmical flow. It’s often in this pursuit of quality, that we develop strength and ease of movement.
This sequence can be done with the foot on a footbar, as you would on the reformer. The dimensions are different - and thus it will feel different - but it is still a good option. If you have a reformer with a tower, you would use the frame. Ideally, your foot is placed higher than your pelvis.
Compatible pairs!
Would you like me to pair up some practices for you? The practices that I feel go best together, due to a multitude of reasons.
If you have a spare moment, I would love to hear about your practice style. Are you most likely to …
Do one practice, two, or several, at a time?
Practice from one gallery?
If so, which is your preferred gallery, or do you change each time you practice?
Choose a restorative practice (one you feel won’t be too intense)?
Choose an intense practice (one you feel will give you a good workout)?
Choose a practice, depending on how you feel on that day?
You follow the 10 week training program?
You choose at random - top of the list / new gallery / one you’ve never done?
Just favorites? (It’s okay if you do!!!).