FIFTH week of our Weekly Training Schedule! Bravo!

Our latest addition; a convenient & effective 17min practice, that can be done anywhere - ‘REBOUND’. This is a Progression level practice, but I encourage all levels to explore the first few variations & continue or work up to the ‘Peak’ variations at the end.

I have strong beliefs around loading the wrists, as I have observed and experienced first-hand the effects of non-weight bearing on the hands/wrists and upper body. Firstly, exposure is always going to be more helpful than avoidance. Once you start avoiding loading in the body (may it be any area), it’s a slippery slope to compromising tissue and bone integrity. As well as the proprioception and overall confidence in using this certain part of your body. Secondly, pain science is very complex and it does not necessarily mean avoidance is going to be helpful and in some cases, movement may actually be very helpful. Especially for women’s health, in considering the hormonal changes during pregnancy, postpartum, peri-menopause, menopause, post-menopause - there are going to be moments when joint pain & stiffness will respond very positively to movement & load.

Please share your experience & any questions you have around this important topic.

I believe we are all training for longevity and to feel as good as possible in our bodies!


LONG LEVER - 3 core exercises, 3 sets & 5 reps of each. (Plus a few extras!). 21min KETTLEBELL

GARUDA MATWORK - This 30min Pilates-based Garuda Method practice explores some of the fundamental mat sequences. Bridging, abdominal curl, roll up & prone spine extension. A wonderful practice to invite slow, controlled precise movement. 30min HOLIDAY

SIDE LYING - Here we let the pelvis and torso move. Nothing is fixed and everything is integrated. Feeling this fluidity in the body, allows us the explore our movement 3-dimensonally, rather than fixate on positions. 13min SPRINGS


PELVIC FLOOR ELEVATION - Exploring familiar horizontal movements, with the added benefits of raising the hips, to elevate & build awareness of the pelvic floor, with the breath. 22min BLOCK

STANDING BLOCK WORK - The yoga blocks are integrated throughout the entire practice, to assist in building your foundations, your structure & its integrity. A tangible resource to align & add proprioception. Familiar movements are done with the blocks, thus becoming more challenging bi-lateral movements, developing a strong sense of the left and right spheres of the body and how they communicate with each other. 43min BLOCK


REBOUND - A challenging practice for upper body weight-bearing, building a strong connection with the abdominals and back body. Gradual, strategic loading to the wrist joints is important for bone & tissue health. Exposure is always going to be better than avoidance and in this class I offer ways to gradually increase and decrease load. If the practice feels too challenging (at the moment) continue with the first variations & feel how your strength increases with repetition and later progress to the advanced variations. 17min NEW


KB MOBILITY - Multi-planar kettlebell training. 18min KETTLEBELL

LONG LEVER - 3 core exercises, 3 sets & 5 reps of each. (Plus a few extras!). 21min KETTLEBELL

STRONG & FLEXIBLE - This is where you cultivate integrity in your yoga practice & mobility in your strength training.33min KETTLEBELL

POWER - A 10min power practice with the slider. Building upper body & abdominal strength, whilst working on the integrity of your wrist joints. Rest and de-load the wrists as you need to & grab blocks for the final sequences. 10min SLIDER


SQUATS - Explore a smorgasbord of squats, using the barre to pull, to de-load the knees and strengthen the lower body!36min BARRE

LUNGES - Deepen your range & cultivate more strength in those transitional moments; herein resides the functionality of the body in motion. 25min BARRE

RELEASING THE DIAPHRAGM - This class offers ways you can utilise a long box within your sling practice. The height offers accessibility, enabling you to explore your potential further, extending the range of movement of the spine and shoulders. 33min SLING


FULCRUM - Fulcrum; a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity. This core practice offers a layered approach, so that you can add-on intensity where desired, or dial it down where appropriate. 20min HOLIDAY

HIP TRACTION - Here the sling is used around the back of the knee, providing excellent traction, proprioception & challenge for the supporting leg. Encouraging us to work much more effectively around the joints. 35min SLING


REBOUND - A challenging practice for upper body weight-bearing, building a strong connection with the abdominals and back body. Gradual, strategic loading to the wrist joints is important for bone & tissue health. Exposure is always going to be better than avoidance and in this class I offer ways to gradually increase and decrease load. If the practice feels too challenging (at the moment) continue with the first variations & feel how your strength increases with repetition and later progress to the advanced variations. 17min NEW GALLERY

SWIMMING MERMAID - An apparatus sequence that has been adapted to the mat. Creating resistant space (like moving through water), creates an energetic quality to our movement. Spirals become precise and deeper. We close this practice with a gentle & effective neck release. 16min HOLIDAY


KB 40 - Combining resistance training with joint mobility training. 36min KETTLEBELL

THE HIPS DON'T LIE - Explore all the 3-legged dog sequences from the Garuda Method Barre work. 25min BARRE

HAMMOCK - We often describe how we can hammock our back body in spinal flexion. How we can create a sling with the posterior ribcage, to lean into. Here we are using, just that, a sling, to mobilize and connect with the back body and in doing so, incidentally create a powerful abdominal connection. An effective class for those that feel a displacement of the anterior ribcage and stiffness in the mid back, with lots of rotational goodness & feedback from the sling. 35min SLING

HONEST HIPS - The soft ball allows us to fixate the movement in and around the hip joint, thus encouraging us to work with more honesty to the integrity of the hip. Exploring their full potential, with specific attention to integrating the torso & ribcage. 25min BALL

SHOULDER REMEDY - A gentle remedial practice to mobilise the shoulder joints, open the chest & extend the thoracic spine. 12min BLOCK

Please let me know, is this online training schedule helpful?

Thank you for practicing with me, Aimee x


